The ERIKA Project to explore Ukrainian scholars’ digital mastery
The Ukranian Educational Research Organisation presents the ERIKA Project, an investigation into the digital competencies of researchers, and advocates for urgent action to address the identified skill gaps.
The importance of diversity training for educators in predominately white places
There is often a misconception that only schools with high ethnic minority populations or those situated in multicultural places need multicultural awareness. These topics are equally important in predominantly White places in Britain, and school curriculum and atmosphere need to offer race-sensitive multicultural reflection, while practitioners need training and preparedness to equip them with relevant knowledge, skills, and confidence.
The Swedish school system – Its problems and possible solutions
Gunnar Iselau is the former Director of Education for the Swedish National Agency of Education. In this position, he has gained a meta-perspective of the Swedish school organisation and its problems. Colleagues in other countries often ask 'How is it that Sweden's...
ECER 2021Geneva – Theme: Milestones and Challenges
ECER 2021 Geneva will focus on ‘Education and Society: expectations, prescriptions, reconciliations’. How relevant is this theme today in this specific context? Why is the city of Geneva a fertile ground in the field of education and of the development of the...
Caring for Those who Teach Online – Reflections from a Virtual Staffroom
When schools and higher education institutions closed their doors in March 2020, some of the implicit and informal supports for teacher educators disappeared. As teacher educators migrated to new modes of teaching and learning, institutional supports such as IT...
Multi-dimensional professional learning: a leadership perspective
Life and learning rarely go forward in straight lines. The most stimulating and creative experiences often arise from unexpected and unintended interactions. It’s the same with professional learning. We need to master new knowledge and skills, but education is more than knowing and doing. That way lies repetition, comfort learning and stagnation as the future overtakes us. As professionals, we need to question our own contexts; explore and investigate outside our normal routines; look for opportunities to observe and experience different cultures of learning; then re-assess our own practice with fresh eyes.