European Educational

Research Association

Contributing to the EERA Blog

Contributing to the EERA Blog

Would you like to contribute a blog post to the EERA Blog? We accept pitches from members of our Networks and National Associations. Find out how to pitch your blog post to our editorial team here.

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What is EERA and what do we do?

What is EERA and what do we do?

EERA - Research for the benefit of education and society The aim of the ‘European Educational Research Association’ (EERA) is to further high-quality educational research for the benefit of education and society. High-quality research not only acknowledges its own context but also recognises wider, transnational contexts with their social, cultural and political similarities and differences. The association’s activities, such as the annual conference, season schools for emerging researchers and publishing, build on and promote free and open dialogue and critical discussion and take a comprehensive and interdisciplinary approach to theory, methods and research ethics. You can find more...

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Write for the EERA Blog


If you’d like to contribute to the EERA blog, take a look at our Submission Guidelines to find out how to successfully pitch a blog post to our Editorial Team. Then send us a quick email to

We look forward to hearing from you