EERA is celebrating 30 years in 2024, and as part of our anniversary celebrations, we have invited people who have been at the heart of the association to share their memories and reflections. In a series of blog posts, which will run throughout 2024, we will share those precious memories, from the people who helped foster the global EERA community.

In this blog post, Dr Jani Ursin, reflects on his experiences as a Networks’ Representative on the EERA council, and the inclusive community of researchers he has engaged with over the years.

What I’m reflecting on in this blog post mainly relates to my time as Networks’ Representative on the EERA Council (NRC) from September 2015 to September 2019. What does a Networks’ Representative do? Well, I didn’t know much when I was elected as the new NRC in 2014, but a year of shadowing prepared me well for my role as an NRC.

The main role of an NRC is, as the name suggests, to represent all the EERA networks. EERA has more than 30 networks, which vary greatly in size and nature. As I moved from being a Link Convenor in Network 22: Research in Higher Education to being an NRC, it obviously took some work on my part to adopt this role. However, my four years’ experience as an NRC has provided me with a wealth of knowledge and insight into educational research that has far exceeded my initial expectations.

My time as NRC involved many meetings (Executive Board, EERA Council, and Link Convenor meetings), seminars (such as the Network Seminar), planning for future ECERs and other EERA activities, and all kinds of informal gatherings (the best decisions are made over dinner, right?). Common to all of these were lively, profound, and sometimes challenging discussions about educational research and its role in Europe and beyond. Occasionally these discussions ended up being very philosophical and thorough, such as what constitutes a network or what is a European perspective (I still do not have a comprehensive answer to these questions). Nevertheless, all the discussions we had really broadened my understanding of educational research and especially of the different contexts in which educational research is carried out. I think that participating in various EERA activities has helped me to get out of my own rabbit hole and really try to look at educational research from a ‘European perspective’.

A community of researchers

One of the strategic priorities of the EERA is to be an inclusive community of researchers. I think that EERA has succeeded in this. The openness of EERA and its networks to different research traditions and methodologies, as well as the promotion of dialogue between them, is evident when participating in ECERs. In addition, EERA pays particular attention to welcoming the next generation of researchers, and colleagues from countries where educational research is still in development, into the EERA community and into the educational dialogue. Personally, participating in EERA activities for more than two decades has helped me to build a network of great colleagues, many of whom I consider friends, with whom I can discuss and share whatever is on my mind.

In EERA we often tend to say that the networks are the essence of the association. I would argue that the people – network members, early career researchers, ECER and ERC participants, Council members, the Executive Board and the EERA office – are the heart and soul of EERA. The EERA community is made up of genuine, hard-working, committed, yet fun-loving people. In times of uncertainty, a sense of belonging is important – and belonging to the EERA community gives hope for a better and brighter future!

Dr Jani Ursin

Dr Jani Ursin

Senior Researcher at the Finnish Institute for Educational Research, University of Jyväskylä, Finland

Dr Jani Ursin is a senior researcher at the Finnish Institute for Educational Research, University of Jyväskylä, Finland. His research has focused on academic work, the assessment of higher education learning outcomes, mergers of higher education institutions, and quality assurance in higher education. He is a former Link Convenor of EERA Network 22 (Research in Higher Education), after which he represented all the networks on the EERA Council. His profile is at:

The EERA Office – The view from within the spaceship

Angelika Wegscheider explains what it is like to steer the ‘spaceship’ of the EERA office, the changes she has seen over the years, and the lessons she’s learned from her time with the organisation.

A European Space for Educational Research and Dialogue

Past Secretary General of EERA, Professor Lisbeth Lundahl on the importance of EERA as an open and welcoming space for educational research and discourse.

20 Years a-going – Reflecting on two decades with EERA

Past President, Professor Joe O’Hara takes a walk down memory lane to celebrate EERA’s 30th anniversary, and reflects on the developments and achievements of the organisation.

Twenty years of participating in EERA’s 30 years

In this blog post, Professor Emeritus of Educational Sciences at Utrecht University in the Netherlands, and previous EERA president, Dr Theo Wubbels reflects on his involvement in EERA over the years, and where the organisation’s future lies.

My EERA story – from novice doctoral researcher to ERG Link Convenor

ERG Link Convenor Dr Saneeya Qureshi looks back on her journey, from her first conference, to her professional and personal growth with EERA, and the friendships made along the way.

Establishing Network 27 – and trends in didactics of learning and teaching over the past decades

Professor Emeritus Brian Hudson on the establishment and development of Network 27, and the associated trends in didactics of learning and teaching over the past few decades.

EERA’s unique buzz – and the lessons I’ve learned

Professor Emeritus Terri Seddon explains why the European Conference on Educational Research became her ‘first-choice’ academic conference, and worth the long-haul flights from her home in Melbourne. 

Experiences and benefits from collaborating in the international ethnography network

Four long-term Network 19 members, currently serving as network convenors, share their stories and insights into what the network means to them.

Developing an EERA Network Identity – NW 20 through the years

As part of our 30th anniversary celebration, Professor Raimonda Brunevičiūtė reflects on her EERA journey, and the development of Network 20, Research in Innovative Intercultural Learning Environment.

Growing (with) EERA Network 14

As part of our 30 years of EERA celebrations, Dr Joana Lúcio reflects on her time as Link Convenor of Network 14, and her professional and personal growth.

Pleasure, confusion, and friendship – 30 years of EERA

EERA’s first Secretary General and founding editor of the EERJ, Professor Martin Lawn, looks back at the sometimes rocky road of EERA, the developments into the organisation it is today, and considers where the journey should go next.

Improving the quality of education – EERA Network 11 through the years

To celebrate EERA’s 30th anniversary, Dr Gento takes a look at the activities of Network 11 to improve the quality of education, within EERA and in the wider educational research community.

Serendipity in Action: Being a link convenor for the ERG was a vibrant thread in the vast tapestry of my academic life

For the 30th anniversary celebrations of EERA, Dr Patricia Fidalgo reflects on her time as Link Convenor of the Emerging Researchers’ Group, and the joy this fulfilling role brought her.

A Transformative Journey: Nurturing Emerging Researchers at the European Conference for Educational Research.

In our blog series celebrating 30 years of EERA, Professor Fiona Hallett reflects on the sense of belonging within a supportive community of scholars.